
Rome 2 save location
Rome 2 save location

rome 2 save location

  • The Roman Empire followed the Republic, which waned with the rise of Julius Caesar, and by all measures concluded after a period of civil war and the victory of Caesar's adopted son, Octavian, in 27 BC over Mark Antony.
  • With the Punic Wars from 264 to 146 BC, Ancient Rome gained dominance over the Western Mediterranean, displacing Carthage as the dominant regional power. During the 5th century BC, Rome gained regional dominance in Latium. The period was marked by vast expansion of Roman territory.
  • The Roman Republic, which commenced in 509 BC when kings were replaced with rule by elected magistrates.
  • The period of Etruscan dominance and the Regal Period, in which according to tradition, Romulus was the first of seven kings.
  • Pre-historical and early Rome, covering Rome's earliest inhabitants and the legend of its founding by Romulus.
  • rome 2 save location

    Roman history can be divided into the following periods: Roman history has been influential on the modern world, especially in the history of the Catholic Church, and Roman law has influenced many modern legal systems. The history of Rome includes the history of the city of Rome as well as the civilisation of ancient Rome. Rome: Ruins of the Forum, Looking towards the Capitol (1742) by Canaletto

    Rome 2 save location